Mostly I copy over a SysPrep’d VHDX file. First, setting up the memory, processors, static MAC address for the NIC and configuring the DVD if we’re booting from DVD. Microsoft Windows Server 2016 is the newest base version of the software and is designed for high-traffic environments. For one thing, it needs a DVD attached and the boot order set, plus I want to add a second NIC, and change the number of processors assigned to it. Get access to the powerful Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard software you need with virtually no wait time by ordering a digital download key from Trusted Tech Team. So, as I showed in the previous post, I’ve got my new VM built, but it’s not really ready for use yet. Posted in Building Labs, Hyper-V, Networking, PowerShell, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 | Comments Off on Nested Hyper-V Networking

Once the reboots finish on host1, enable MAC Address Spoofing on the network adapter(s) of host1: Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName host1 | Set-VMNetworkAdapter -MacAddressSpoofing On
Start host1 and install the Hyper-V role with: Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools To enable Nested Hyper-V, shutdown host1 and then run the following command on the top level host: Set-VMProcessor -VMName host1 -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $True But if you’re in a public cloud scenario, you’ll likely have to go the NAT route. For most of us, the MAC Address Spoofing is the simplest solution and works just fine. But after a good bit of poking around, I found the solution – either enable MAC Address Spoofing on host1, or configure a NAT switch on host1. Which would end up being a pain fairly quickly. Everything looked good on the “ host1” virtual machine, but the domain controller I created for that runs as a nested VM on host1 couldn’t connect to anything outside of host1. As I was trying to configure a new lab setup that takes advantage of nested Hyper-V so that I can build a lab to do Hyper-V host clustering, I ran into a problem with networking.